Thursday, November 29, 2012

                                                      Two Point City

I liked drawing my city, but I wish we could have drawn it on a bigger piece of paper. I didn't like shading it, but in the end I think it turned out good. If I would have colored it, I don't think it would have turned out very well. I think half of my drawing turned out well, because one half had better shading. If I were to do this project over, I would take more time on shading and less on making my buildings look good. Shading was the hardest part of this project, and I learned that shading takes a lot of time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Point Name Drawing
           I didn't like drawing my name in two point perspective. I also didn't like making all my letters uppercase. The hardest part of this project was drawing the letters that were closer to the vanishing points. I liked drawing my name in one point better than two. If I could do this project different, I would color it differently. Before I started coloring, I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like when I was dont with it, but in the end it didn't turn out how I wanted it too. I wish I would have colored it lighter, because I colored it too dark. I learned that I don't like drawing my name in two point perspective, because my letters look funky.

One Point Hallway 

           I did't like this project, because I'm not very creative. It look me a long time to think of what I was going to do with my walls and my floor. I think I did pretty good on drawing the turtles. It was hard coloring them though becasue of all the little details. If you look at my drawing, you probably couldn't see all the little details on the turtles. Everything else in this project didn't have that much detail, becasue it was just lines pretty much. If I did this project over, I would probably draw more turtles in my floor, other than that I wouldn't change it. I learned that turtles aren't easy to draw.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still Life Drawing
      I thought the still life was easy but hard at the same time. Some shapes were easy to shade, but others were difficult. If I could do this project over again I would try to shade my lighter values before my darker values. I thought the shading and the foreshortening was the hardest. I learned I need to shade my lighter values first, and also fill all the little white spots I missed while shading.

One point perspective drawing
   Doing this project made me feel like I was in middle school making locker signs again. I would always use bubble and block letters for everything when I was in middle school. It was easy for me to draw this, but some letters didn't look right to me because I wasn't taught the right way to draw 3-D letters. If Iwere to do this project over again, I would take my time and make my letters neater. The most difficult part about this project, was making my letters the same size! I learned I need to make sure I know how big I can draw my letters so there is enough room on my paper so I don't have to abbreviate. 
Action Figure Drawing
     This was probably the hardest projects so far, and I thought the pop can drawing was the hardest. I liked drawing my action figure though, because I thought it was challenging to draw the details of the muscles. I thought I did well on my drawing although the face of my action figure didn’t look very good. If I could do this project over, I would take more time on the details in the faces and less on the muscles. The most difficult part of this project was drawing the muscles. When I grabbed this action figure, I thought it was going to be easy to draw. It turned out it was one of the hardest because it had so many little details in the muscles. I learned to not try and draw the coolest, easiest looking one to draw.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pop can line drawing

When we first started drawing pop cans, I was nervous abouut how mine would turn out. I'm by far artistic, and hopefully my art work will keep improving. I think that I did the best I could have done on the regular pop can, but on the crushed can I think I could have done better. I wasn't exactly sure how to draw a crushed can, so I just winged it pretty much. It didn't turn out the best, but I'd say it was pretty good for only working on it a couple days. The most difficult part about this project was drawing the details of the mountains. The mountains in the crushed can were the worst, I just started drawing lines because i was running out of time. If we had more time to draw the crushed can, It probably would have look a little better. After 2nd hour the rest of the day I was drawing pop cans in every hour so that i could get the details right. The next day when we had to draw the final copy of the regular can, it was easier for me. If i did't keep drawing cans the day before i probably would have messed up and restarted a few times, which would have wasted a lot of time. I enjoyed this project very much, because it was a challenge for me. If I could redo this project I would try to use my time more wisely. Time was the most important part of this project. I learned that drawing is by far easy, and it takes time.